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Sergio 1.0.0 for Maya

A Cartoon Rig With Squash and Stretch Goodness.

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  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x


Last Modified:06/16/2007
File Size: 6.28 MB

Version History

-Made teeth and other  geometries unselectable.


-Fixed minor skinning issues in the hands.


-Fixed Render issues. Character will render well in both software and MentalRay.


-Fixed Right Leg Deformation Issues.


-Added Sergio Character Set, to aid organized Keying.


-Added Head Stand In to aid Facial animation under Performance Icon. 

     (Not sure if it helps, researching alts)


-Moved Mesh Display to Performance Icon.


-Added Mesh Smooth Feature to the Performance Icon (Nitros).

  It controls the node state of the smooth operation. 0 = Off, 1 = ON


-Fore Arm Fixed, and working as indicated by testing.


-The Key everything script has been removed, pending further development.