The scene consists of following objects:
-Rocket nozzle (low poly, subdivided, named 'nozzle')
-Alloy shader (Mental ray's mia_material_x, named 'alloy')
-Bump map for alloy (Targa bitmap, 1024x1024, 24-bit colour)
-Particle emitter (directional, named 'trail emmiter')
-Particle shape (Cloud (s/w), named 'trail')
-Procedural texture node (for particles, initial Particle shader)
-Five procedural ramps (for 'trail' particles)
-Two expressions and a few secondary nodes for particles
-One standard point light, placed in the middle of the nozzle, for trail lightning
The length of animation is 120 frames, but can be looped indefinitely, as after the initial particle emission, animation of trail loops. Every single parameter of animation is modifiable.
Nozzle's Geometry:
Polygonal, done in Maya, 1122 vertices 1146 faces, all quads, base low poly mesh supplied. At level one exponential subdivision poly-count is 4560 vertices 4584 faces, at level two 18312 vertices 18336 faces. Polygons are closed [no faces with holes] and single sided for faster rendering. Scale is arbitrary, pivot is centered so model can be easily scaled up/down depending on size needed for dynamic simulation or vehicle size. Instead of polygon subdivision, can be converted into subdivision surface and used further in that form.
Shader is mental ray's mia_material_x, optimized for rendering speed. Single shader node named 'alloy' in hypershader, single bump texture node connected to it.
Crisp bump texture supplied, can be used as a displacement map also. Texture name is 'Nozzle_Bump.tga', format is 24-bit Targa bitmap, 1024x1024 pixels in size, uploaded in separate file, can be placed in same directory with scene, it will be loaded automatically, but that can be manually changed in Hypershade or Multilister window in Maya.
Scene can be rendered with mental ray or software render in Maya, although shader for nozzle is for mental ray only, for software, alloy shader must be rebuilt.
Scene can be used as is, or it can be fully modified as all of the connections are included, procedural textures can be modified also, as those are in original (non-baked) form.
The scene scale is arbitrary, as shown on thumbnails, with nozzle and emitter placed on center.
This is Maya only asset, though it can be converted in any version of Maya file format, Complete or Unlimited, only requirement is mental ray (for nozzle's alloy shader).
The thumbnails and preview animation are rendered with mental ray, in different lighting conditions with usage of IBL(HDRI) or mental ray's embedded sun and sky system. Only one light (for trail) is included.
No post-production effects were used to produce thumbnails and animation previews, motion blur wasn't used either.