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Joe 1.0.0 for Maya

A basic character rig with IkFk control

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  • 8.x


Last Modified:06/14/2008
File Size: 1.63 MB

I'm a second year animation student and this is my first character rig I did for a project. Because this is my first I'm going to start a new one too improve it. I would like some strong critisicm and comments.

Please check out my character rig and e-mail me at and help me improving it.

1. IkFkControl

2. non-flip poleVector system on legs and arms

3. basic blendShapes

Please excuse the skinning of the character rig, if someone please can point me to a good skinning/painting weights tutorial, it will very much be appreciated. If you know a very cool blendshapeing tutorial please e-mail me the link.

Would love to hear a response, enjoy and please send me a link if you did something very awesome with this character rig, whould love to see it...

Thanks Much,

Roelof :-P

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