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Dragon Rig 2.0.0 for Maya

A dragon rig created for a Make A Wish Foundation game.

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  • 2014


Last Modified:04/16/2014
File Size: 14.3 MB



I created this rig for a game that the Make A Wish Foundation asked us to make for a childs wish to be in a video game.  The Dragon was the Final Boss of the game.

The wing collapses with the rotation of the outter wing controle. 

Model by Karen McCarthy

Update:  I have updated the rig that the there are two files.  Old and New.  Old is the first rig with out the feet or face controles.  New now has eye controles, face controles, and toe controles.  The Model wasnt created with these things in mind so I built the facial rigs as best i can. Everything else still works just asa before. I cant build a toung rig because we made the first model and rig in two days and didnt need it for the game.  So he is toung less.  Everything moves through the joints so it can easilly be put in a game engine.

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