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Dragon Rig 2.0.0 for Maya

A dragon rig created for a Make A Wish Foundation game.

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  • 2014


Last Modified:04/16/2014
File Size: 14.3 MB



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  • cankerberos

    cankerberos said over 10 years ago:

    perhaps for a better wing fold use a parent extra bone for the middlejointswings, so the ctrls are not limited just in one axis maybe a IKspine and tail would be fine xtra Ctrl for the base_Ctrl and the body but its really a good rig i like it
  • Amethyst Studios

    Amethyst Studios said almost 11 years ago:

    This is an awesome dragon rig! The wings are perfect and the textures are very nice. To make it even better I wish it had #1: toe controls, #2: face controls (brows, smile, frown), #3: a tongue, and #4: foot roll, etc. feet controls. But it's still a great rig without those things! By the way, if anyone is having trouble opening this, I could only get it to open in Maya 2014, not in anything older. It's a .mb file.

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