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Basic_Guy 3.3.1 for Maya

Basic Character to help you learn animation

Button download


  • 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/12/2010
File Size: 6.4 MB

Version History

- Initial Release

- complete re-rig
- no longer need the "zoo" awesome as they are, too many people had a hard time installing them.
- added a GUI
- Buttons for selecting "all"
- buttons for hiding the rig
- A tab / section for fk/ik matching on the arms and legs
- Squash and stretch on the head
- Global scale
- you can now scale him and he won\\\\\\\'t fall apart
- Limbs maintain volume when stretching

Version 2.5.6
- Fixed a bug in the facial rig.
- deleted a couple of attributes on the ik arm controls that are no longer needed/being used.
- added a "read me"

Version 2.5.8
- Fixed a bug with the fk/ik matching (rig and mel script changes).
- fixed a couple of typos
- reordered a few attributes on the thumb controls

Version 3.0.0
- added a fully rigged face: "Osipa" style
- added in torso shift controls: underneath the fk controls
-fixed another bug in the fk/ik matching: it should now work away from the origin and when scaled to anything other than 1

Version 3.0.1
- added the ability to shift the face rig to the left or right of the character's face: Select the BG_FaceControlRig (the ring around all the facial controls) and the attribute is called "RigShift"

Version 3.3.1
- New GUI
- New bgWin; script
- referenced characters now supported