For a rig "overview" you can watch a video here (caution: may lull you to sleep!):
BasicGuy_v3.0.0 rig overview video
Basic Guy v3.3.1 New Features video
Install Notes (Do this before you launch Maya):
1) Copy the bgWin.mel to:
C: Documents and Settings user Documents maya version scripts
2) Copy the individual icons to:
C: Documents and Settings user Documents maya version prefs icons
3) Copy the shelf_BasicGuy.mel to:
C: Documents and Settings user Documents maya version prefs shelves
1) Stretchy limbs
2) Stretchy spine
3) squash and stretch on his head
4) fk/ik matching (you need the included script for this feature)
5) bone driven facial set up: SDK's and expressions
6) Proxy model for faster playback
Known Limitations:
1) works best when scene is set to "centimeters"
2) the latest script (v3.3.1 version of Bsic Guy) was written for Maya 2010. There is an error in previous versions (-hud flag is not recognized). Should not affect anything though.
Read the included "Readme" for help installing the scripts, shelf,and icons.
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