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PART 2, MAKiNG A SIDESHOW BOB BY JALO, Rigging and Skinning
PART 2, MAKiNG A SIDESHOW BOB BY JALO, Rigging and Skinning
jalo, added 2007-01-13 18:52:02 UTC 71,178 views  Rating:
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If everything works as we waited for, yeah people are moment for breathing deep and for beginning what the process of skinning, as we mentioned before this is the moment where we do that rigging that we constructed I interacted and it modifies or it follows mesh that we modeling previously.


A detail, does not forget rigging the objects to me that form the character but who these will be riggined after skinning, why? Because by the type of objects that are is necessary first to have a correct solution for the skin, since these go by above of the skin, then we needed to know where deform,and after to adjust them, the objects.

We go direct to the process of skinning, first it is to select mesh and to apply modifier � SKIN - this is the one that helped us to that mesh deform assigned by bones.



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The following thing is to add the bones that we created necessary to control the skin and then we chose bones and we began to see as skin moves, using helpers....


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Okay see the result and is relay bad jeje. Not to be scared is first. and if we can be smile of this. It is a good beginning. After testing and to see that nothing moves as it seems... begins the beautiful process of skinnig... and I say it sincere... I likes much the part of skiing. First it is to begin to define envelopes for each bone so that it surrounds the necessary areas and space.

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And testing to see again as skinning works.



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Okay everything works mabye a little better but to not sufficient like saying to finished work.....un it point that Is necessary to understand that with the phase of envelopes, we do not have to solve all the movements of skinning in this phase. The next step to skinning is bake vertex....

The process follows. When we obtained best the possible thing with envelopes.. We decided that it is moment for happening to bake and this is to decide that we passed to the process of Paint Weight... this process is the one that will make that the parts and you pivots of the character are seen better.


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Once finished baking and Paint Weight testing you movements again and we verified that everything works to our expectations, we can pass to finishing step.

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