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PART 2, MAKiNG A SIDESHOW BOB BY JALO, Rigging and Skinning
PART 2, MAKiNG A SIDESHOW BOB BY JALO, Rigging and Skinning
jalo, added 2007-01-13 18:52:02 UTC 71,178 views  Rating:
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With the link Reactions the logic to follow is that starting off of an object that we created and we called Masters and this it will have Slavers that is helpers and of these to control them by spinners of custom atributes.


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Okyes now yes is to good moment to go the next step.... the arm and hand to other step you have to hard riggingwork =)

For the arm, the firts is to establish where it located the parts of bones and here it is where to have the body in a neutral state it serves to us helpful, we drew the part of Spine left and arm until the hand.


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For the forearm is prepared more two bones, than they will do of torsion at the time of controlling to mesh to obtain the effect, of the bones of our forearm the same way that with constraints we created a dependency to obtain progressive movements.


The solvers for the arm is seetting, which uses a HI IK to solver above by the same explained reasons. And setting the chain of solve.

one can use any object like helper, but Something that is really is of help for my, in this case uses the objects helpers of Paul Neale, that can free download these script from page of Paul that and others script that is incredible.


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Now the hand is the part to take more time to rigg correctly but later is more easy for animating, realy east time it is worth gold, believe meThe construction of the hand will be just as the one of an arm or a leg, we drew or we created located bones where the structure for mesh, we need to create a pivot.


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Now that controlled it? wirring and we created a series of attributes holders that will be applied when located helper above of the hand, and that in this case was creative with attributes holder 2, of Paul neale, also they are possible to be download from the Webpage, script that has the ability to keep pressets from position which makes the animation very easy of the hand.



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Now the neck, is easy part, must create the bones that comprise of the neck and the head these linking to the system of the Spine and later we created like always helpers that it helped us to rotate the bones, using the progressive logic of movements.

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Now one of rigg more easy is with the eyes to use look AT constriants, to an object helper that it helps to do that the character watches to where look.


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For last ...needed to integrate each one of those rigging that now are separated and to cause that they are integrated... linking rigg of the legs to the column and the arms to the column also.


Once we arrived at this point, he is good step to think on the operation of rigging and to test some of movements and if the rotations make the logical movements for the character, we constructed. We duplicated or re riggining the left side of character and testing movement.


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