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Pop2Xsi 1.0.1 for Xsi

Import your houdini particles animation into XSI

Button download


  • 6.x, 5.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/22/2008
File Size: 4.6 KB
This a solution to bring your Houdini pop simulation, particles' position and rotation info, into Xsi : Pop2Xsi ...
For now it works only with a constant number of particles, no particle creation or deletion during the simulation

Using the Geometry CHOP,  export your animated channels as a .chan file and bring them to Xsi.

Just add a geometry CHOP in your Scene and choose the popnet as SOP, set the method as animated and the Attribute Scope to ' P rot ' and the Rename Scope field ' t[xyz] r[wxyz]' .... Then creates your objects in xsi ( or import them from houdini ), for each pop point/particle you should have an object selected, and launch the script

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