Some of the features:
- Any object can be used as a goal, including nurbs, polygons, and other particle clouds! All these can be animated, including their history.
- Speed to the goal can be adjusted.
- Randomization of goal per particle is supported.
- Particles can be made to randomly flock around object (not real flockign though).
- Don't forget to make you goal object a collision object, for some cool effects or animate the goal object history.
- All goal parameters can be animated.
- Offset from objects surface can be set.
- Particles can have their goal weight decreased with their age.
- Particles can use part of object as a goal (defined in percentage of points).
- Goals are reinjected into the simulation cloud - this can be used to overcome the limitation of deformations of particles not reinjecting into the simulation. Deform the object the way you want to deform the particles, make the object a goal. This isn't exactly the same as deforming the particles, but can be useful.
- To specify multiple goals, each goal object will have "ParticleGoal" custom parameter set. If you want particles to follow from one goal to the next animate the ParticleToGoal speed in sequence.
I hope you find it usefull.
There's more info in the index.html file included.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
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