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LM_Shape_Creator.vbs 1.0 for Xsi (xsi script)

Well most of you from Maya love doing shape...

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  • 2.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:01/18/2002
File Size: 4.3 KB
Well most of you from Maya love doing shape animation because of the ease of use when creating a shape and the nice slide being created for you automatically. Well not to worry anymore because this feature is now accessible to XSI user as well.

It's a simple scripts that automates a bunch of stuff for you when saving shape.

Basically I'm creating a slider based on the shape that you saved and of course there is a bunch of other stuff going on in the back but. Each time you save a shape key using that script you will have a slider added to a custom PPG.

This is model based script, in other word I'm looking for the first model that contains the 3Dobject selected and then I create the custom PPG on the 3D object and each time you create a new shape for that 3D object I'm simply adding to this page the proper slider.

So no need to go in the Mixer anymore with this script.

Simply select the object with a shape to be save and run the script. I'm taking care of the rest. There will be a custom ppg appearing with your shape under a slider control.

And yes it's working with Cluster and multiselection.
And this was written for 2.0 and higher, it's written using solely the Object model thus will not work in 1.5, but I had to choose a version upthere

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