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Flaco Rig for XSI 1.0.0 for Xsi


Button download


  • 6.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:07/14/2008
File Size: 1.29 MB
This is an easy rig to be used in animation practices. It is based on the rig provided by XSI on its Biped Guide. I have personalized it and adapted it to the needs I have found all along my animation practices so that it can be useful for me and my students.

This is the first version on which I have incorporated a toolbar containing the actions currently used during the animation process.

I have also incorporated a couple of synoptic views: one for the body and the other for the hands. From these views, it is also possible to access most of the functions we find in the toolbar.

In the next versions, I will include a little bit more complex synoptic views if time allows.

You can see the project with a simple scene in the scenes folder (Downloads archive)

In the models folder, you will find the Flaco model, a simple facial and the Bidep guide used to create it.

In the mean directory, I have loaded an addon that allows us to install the toolbar. You just have to drag the folder to an empty space of any XSI visor

For questions and suggestions or any idea to improve the model on the next rig, please send and e-mail to

I hope this will be useful for your animation practices.

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    ante zivkovic
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