STZ posted in Maya Future Updates in fePrimitives for Maya Report 2020-08-23 12:25:50 UTC
We miss these great primitives! Can you recompile or perhaps share the source code with a little explanation on how to compile for Maya 2020 and f... (more)
STZ posted in Update for Maya 2020 in Ninja Dojo (Grand Master) w/Ninja City & Ninja Forge for Maya Report 2020-05-19 17:47:51 UTC
Hi Brian, do you plan to have a 2020 compatible version? Does the 2019 version work fine for 2020? Thanks a bunch! Jason (more)
STZ added a feature request to Pivot Control (JC_pivotControl) for Maya Report 2016-11-18 11:29:53 UTC
Like the simplicity of this. Be great to have pivot between two vertices. and optionally create a point helper as a toggle. Lastly have a snap in... (more)
STZ posted in maya 2016 default connection by shift dragging is broken in Rendering/Lighting/Shading Report 2016-07-18 19:47:49 UTC
I just figured out how to do it, it's very clumsy and much slower than the old way, aaargh. But it does work and sometimes takes a few attempts.... (more) -
STZ posted in maya 2016 default connection by shift dragging is broken in Rendering/Lighting/Shading Report 2016-07-18 19:38:07 UTC
So I've had 2016 installed for a while and it has some neat features but it's also gotten a lot worse IMO.For instance, I can't in the help files o... (more) -
STZ posted in Normal maps used as 3D Projections in Maya in Mental Ray Report 2016-07-11 07:51:20 UTC
I've just stumbled upon the fact that there isn't a way in Maya to project a tangent space normal map onto geometry. e.g. using tri-planar. ... (more) -
STZ added a feature request to Substance Bonus Tools for Maya 2.0[Windows] for Maya Report 2015-11-05 10:18:18 UTC
Can you post a way to get this to compile in Maya 2016 or Maya 2015? (more)
STZ reported a bug on Ninja Dojo (Grand Master) w/Ninja City & Ninja Forge for Maya Report 2015-10-31 17:50:05 UTC
Running 5.9 and not able to launch in Maya2016 SP4 ext. 1<br />Creates an empty window. Can’t find xpm. and here is the error it ... (more)
STZ added a feature request to Dark Arts - Tools for Maya for Maya Report 2014-09-19 20:51:07 UTC
Anyway to take the half written scripts from MoCon ( or Urbanspaceman ( and make a comprehensive from AE to... (more)
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