Stefano Susco
Stefano Susco commented on error by Roman Yuferev Report 2018-01-19 20:24:26 UTC
Stefano Susco:
<div>Hello Roman,</div> <div> </div> <div>you can now download a new version called Combine Separate Skinned Mesh Tool. I tested it and works pro...
Stefano Susco posted in 'CombineSkinnedMeshProc' is not defined in Combine Separate Skinned Meshes Tool for Maya Report 2016-07-25 03:08:45 UTC
Hello, is my fault....... try this: import maya.cmds as cmds import maya.mel as mel def CombineSkinnedMeshProc( *args): se... (more)
Stefano Susco submitted the file Combine Separate Skinned Meshes Tool for Maya Report 2016-03-07 20:37:40 UTC
Tool to make faster the process of rig/skinning to combine skinned meshes together (more)
Stefano Susco submitted the file JUTools for Maya Report 2015-03-23 01:39:37 UTC
JUTools collects different tools useful in prod. to speed up some tedious procedures of rig. (more)
Stefano Susco submitted the file CrFix_2 for Maya Report 2015-02-25 02:20:08 UTC
New vers. of Crfix that can help about neck coordinate's system (more)
Stefano Susco submitted the Tutorial Stress Create: Bend - Tutorial Report 2014-10-14 11:38:59 UTC
This tutorial shows how to use the tool Bend of Stress Create Script (vers. 1.0). Bend Stress is useful for wave movements of articulations. You ca... (more)
Stefano Susco submitted the file Crfix for Maya Report 2014-09-25 00:51:17 UTC
Crfix fix some issues about biped rig created with cr_ModularRiggingSystem, powerful tool (more)
Stefano Susco submitted the file Create Image Polyplane Reference for Maya Report 2014-04-22 20:29:38 UTC
It create a polyplane with texture: polyplane is resized by the dimesion of selected texture (more)
Stefano Susco updated a video in their portfolio Report 2014-04-11 04:10:56 UTC
A quadruped rigging, a deer, used in an advertise-video against poaching
Stefano Susco added a video to their portfolio Report 2014-04-11 04:10:54 UTC
A quadruped rigging, a deer, used in an advertise-video against poaching
Comment on bug