nuternativ posted in how it starts? in Average Vertex Skin Weight Brush for Maya Report 2016-03-13 18:53:55 UTC
Indeed, the algorithm was taken from tf_smoothSkinWeight. I added - Compiled(.mll) version for maximum speed - undo/redo - Respect maintain ma... (more)
nuternativ posted in how it starts? in Average Vertex Skin Weight Brush for Maya Report 2016-03-13 12:29:00 UTC
Hi, I've re-uploaded the file because I found the python version was not working properly in Maya 2015, please re-download it. Also, I include... (more)
nuternativ posted in Maya 2015 in Average Vertex Skin Weight Brush for Maya Report 2015-08-10 01:14:49 UTC
CharlieWales, I'm glad you like it. Will make time to complie with 2015 lib as soon as I get Maya2015. :) (more)
nuternativ posted in Maya 2015 in Average Vertex Skin Weight Brush for Maya Report 2014-12-19 22:34:05 UTC
Depends on the number of influence joints, the greater the slower the plugin can be. If you have Maya2012x64 you can use the C++ version - it's ve... (more)
nuternativ posted in Maya 2015 in Average Vertex Skin Weight Brush for Maya Report 2014-12-15 21:03:01 UTC
Tested on 2014, should also works on 2015 , I guess. If not, please let me know. You can adjust the 'Value' slider to adjust the strength of the... (more)
nuternativ submitted the file Average Vertex Skin Weight Brush for Maya Report 2014-09-02 13:58:36 UTC
A custom brush for smoothing skin weight. (more)
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