mawkroy added xtractBlendNode Maya 2018.5 & 2019 (Windows), 2018.1 (MacOs) for Maya as a favorite Report 2017-10-31 23:23:02 UTC
The custom tool have been developed to help with the blend shape process. (more)
mawkroy added Fix teh ctrls for Maya as a favorite Report 2017-09-11 00:44:46 UTC
Automatize rigging a bit. Orient controlers to joints automatically by name while keeping a clean Outliner. Can also mirror (with automatic naming)... (more)
mawkroy added Folder Management for Animation Production pipeline for Maya as a favorite Report 2017-09-02 20:53:23 UTC
useful script for animation production (more)
mawkroy added QuickMirror for Maya as a favorite Report 2017-02-20 02:52:41 UTC
Quickly mirror objects to X, Y, Z axis and merge the vertices (more)
mawkroy added MK_Split_Ring for Maya as a favorite Report 2017-02-05 00:28:53 UTC
Accurately split the edge (more)
mawkroy added ktEmbedRotateInfluenceJoints.mel for Maya as a favorite Report 2017-02-05 00:28:15 UTC
rotate joints without exit paint skin weights tool .avoids keyframe method for skinning. (more)
mawkroy added ktListAndRename for Maya as a favorite Report 2017-02-05 00:26:50 UTC
get your rename standards (more)
mawkroy added Mouse Keyboard OSD for Video Tutors - Moukey as a favorite Report 2017-02-05 00:26:43 UTC
Keyboard & Mouse On Screen Display (more)
mawkroy added Maya Shelf Icon Generator as a favorite Report 2017-02-05 00:25:58 UTC
Generate Colourful 5 line pixel-perfect Maya Shelf Icon within 5 secs (more)
mawkroy added scPushMatrix Node Plugin Matrix Collision Node Lip Pushing for Maya as a favorite Report 2017-02-05 00:25:08 UTC
A Matrix based node that simulated axis based collisions (more)