Eduardo Altamirano
Eduardo Altamirano posted in rig build stops in Vehicle Rig Generator for Maya Report 2018-03-29 01:41:50 UTC
Same here, altough it stops on "No Object existsNo Object existsNo Object existsNo Object existsNo Object existsNo Object existsNo Object exists//... (more)
Eduardo Altamirano posted in After running it on a controller it doesn't foll in Dynamic Motion Motivator for Maya Report 2017-02-04 19:11:20 UTC
After running it on a series of controllers it doesn't follow it's parent position so there's no secondary motion added other than gravity. I'm... (more)
Eduardo Altamirano reported a bug on Dynamic Motion Motivator for Maya Report 2017-02-04 18:59:46 UTC
After selecting and converting controls the system changes their orientation
<div>After selecting and converting controllers to dynamic motion, they orientation is changed despite the initial position and they do not inherit... (more)
Eduardo Altamirano posted in Just bought it, how it's installed? in Dynamic Motion Motivator for Maya Report 2017-02-04 06:38:29 UTC
Copy .py to scripts in docs/maya/scripts folder What does the shelf_DMM.mel is for? I dragged it to the shelf and executed it but it doesn't brin... (more)
Eduardo Altamirano added a feature request to shotView for Maya Report 2014-08-25 19:07:06 UTC
Flip Horizontally (MIRROR) CAMERA
To be able to check the composition of the shotview, add a scale -x or mirror parameter to the shotview. (more)
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