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  • cryinghorn

    cryinghorn updated a video in their portfolio Report 2010-06-21 14:28:25 UTC

    This is a 3d short video I recently made. Lately I kind of felt doing something to practice my cg skills especially those related to rendering animations and designing the sound, and since I recently got myself a PS3 I had a great excuse for that :D. Anyway this short is based on original PS3 commercials which were aired back in 2006 on launch of PS3. I think they were considered close to failure, 'cause they seemed to odd and freaky for most of people, but I personally loved them to death. So now I decided to make my own version keeping the same style, featuring my logo and PS3 itself, hope you enjoy it. Cheers! Andrius


  • cryinghorn

    cryinghorn added a video to their portfolio Report 2010-06-21 14:28:22 UTC

    This is a 3d short video I recently made. Lately I kind of felt doing something to practice my cg skills especially those related to rendering animations and designing the sound, and since I recently got myself a PS3 I had a great excuse for that :D. Anyway this short is based on original PS3 commercials which were aired back in 2006 on launch of PS3. I think they were considered close to failure, 'cause they seemed to odd and freaky for most of people, but I personally loved them to death. So now I decided to make my own version keeping the same style, featuring my logo and PS3 itself, hope you enjoy it. Cheers! Andrius


  • cryinghorn

    cryinghorn updated a video in their portfolio Report 2010-06-21 14:28:20 UTC

    This is a 3d short video I recently made. Lately I kind of felt doing something to practice my cg skills especially those related to rendering animations and designing the sound, and since I recently got myself a PS3 I had a great excuse for that :D. Anyway this short is based on original PS3 commercials which were aired back in 2006 on launch of PS3. I think they were considered close to failure, 'cause they seemed to odd and freaky for most of people, but I personally loved them to death. So now I decided to make my own version keeping the same style, featuring my logo and PS3 itself, hope you enjoy it. Cheers! Andrius
