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Shake Macro'd Add Script
Shake Macro'd Add Script
Aaron Marine, added 2009-08-31 22:52:43 UTC 13,638 views  Rating:
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Before tackling this tutorial I am expecting that you have basic macro building skills for Apple Shake on the OS X platform.

So there are a lot of helpful macros out there, and there are plenty of them that actually do exactly what you want them to do.  However, there are a lot of ideas that people have for macros that don't necessarily work as they would like.  Macros don't always need to have defined UI sliders and good looking control sets, sometimes they are as simple as just needing the same tasks completed on a consistent basis throughout a few projects. Here I will show you how to accomplish a macro that will do basic add script functions to bring a specific shake script into your current one without the hassle of having to navigate to it all the time on your system.

Part 1 - Setting Up Your Script
First thing is first, make a new Shake Script and create the necessary nodes to make a simple glow (you all know how...blur and screen nodes as the picture below shows). Once you have these nodes in place, go ahead and group them together:

Once you have your Shake script set up to something similar, save it to a specific location on your hard drive. I tend to use the same script location for these kinds of macros I build, and you may wish to do one similar. The path I use on my system is:

/Users/Shared/nreal2/shakescript/     (Save the script to this location as basicGlow.shk)