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Shake Macro'd Add Script
Shake Macro'd Add Script
Aaron Marine, added 2009-08-31 22:52:43 UTC 13,638 views  Rating:
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Part 2 - Setting Up The UI Button

Now that the worst is out of the way, All you have to do now is a simple copy and paste. Open up your favorite script or plain text editor (I prefer Smultron) and type or paste the following text into the editor:
If you look carefully at this script, you will notice the bottom half is the same thing you see at the top of the UI.h files used in all of your standard macros. In fact, that is exactly what file you are making.  Go head and save this file to the usual path you would place any Shake UI scripts:

extern "C"
void addScript()
nuiAddScript((void*)"/Users/Shared/nreal2/shakescript/basicGlow.shk", 0);



The Next Page will give you a better look at what is going on in the basicGlowUI.h file