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Removal of a camera reflection on a car
Removal of a camera reflection on a car
gizmosito, added 2007-02-20 01:54:03 UTC 50,795 views  Rating:
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Next was the reflection of the sign in the middle of the car. I basically used the same method as above, but had to use more keyframes for the 'RotoShape2' and 'Move2D2'.

(Tracker2) Tracked the top of the sign's reflection. Manual adjustments.


(RotoShape2) I started with frame #37 as that was the most complex outline the sign had. Applied 'Tracker2'. I needed ten Keyframes, where the bottom part was the culprit for (@ #31, #33, #37, #41, #45, #53, #56, #59, #61, #69).


(Move2D2) 'RotoShape2' as mask input. Pan and scale to only reveal paint in the area. Match paint color as close as possible. Eight keyframes, most at the beginning (@ #31, #32, #33, #34, #37, #40, #60, #69)

(Blur2) See 'Blur1'

This looked pretty good now, but the outlines were still visible. I had to smooth those out even more.

(RotoShape3) Again frame #50 was my starting point. A shape with seven points covered most of the offending area. There was non-necessity for tracking, with only a few keyframes I could get the shape to look alright (@ #31, #34, #38, #50, #69).


(ContrastLum1) 'RotoShape3' piped into the mask input and then lowered the contrast and adjusted the center to make it look bright enough. As the light changes over time, I had to keyframe the center (@ #32, #39, #50, #69). I also set 'softClip' to 1.

(Blur3) Made it smooth.

(Stabilize2) Copied 'Stabilize1' and brought back the camera movement by setting 'inverseTransform' to 'match'

Now I had to take care of the brand name and the logo. The critical part was from frame #32 - #40.

(LumaKey1) I keyed the parts as coarse as possible without loosing the inherent motion blur. Set the 'matteMult' to 1 (on). This also needed to be keyframed because of the light change (@ #32, #36, #40).

(Over1) 'LumaKey1' over 'Stabilize2'

click for larger version

That was it! ...I though. They said: "Cool, we can live with that. BUT.... can you remove the signs painted on the street next?" Aaaarrrrgghhhh. Whatever. That's another "tutorial".