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Fractal Warp 0.0.1 for Shake (shake plugin)

3D Fractal Warp

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  • 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Mac


Last Modified:06/14/2006
File Size: 69.2 KB
I wrote this as a test to see if doing a noise warp is slow, which it should not be but I have found that Shake's Turbulate is really slow same with the fractal noise (even calling the functions in plug-ins, anyone know why? email me i would like to understand why it so slow). 
This does pretty much the same thing as the Turbulate node in Shake but is faster, im going to implement a few other algorithms to choose from, right now its the Clouds algorithm I will put fBm, Rigid Multifractal, Hetero Terrain, Hybrid Multifractal, ect. ect.. 

anyways have fun, its pretty straight forward.

Pat Nagle

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