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autocompV4 1.4.0 for Shake

autocomp common tasks

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  • 3.x, 4.x

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  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:07/09/2008
File Size: 6.24 KB
Hi There !

In the past days we have a project with a lot of 4K layers and we need to create some ways to simplify the composition trees, and make sure of we were using always the same composition procedure.

We need to face the following tasks:

- Automate the composition of matted foreground (using almost only chroma keys) over backgrounds
- Use LightWrapping and edgeBlur
- Create a easy way to prevent the edge blur and lightwrap to act in small pixel areas (like fingers)
- Detect the areas with High Motion differrence to allow add exra blur to final composition to prevent the motionblur keying garbage, and remove the spill inside the high motion areas.

for this i create this macro that takes care of the following tasks:

- Over Compsition
- LightWrapping
- Edgeblur
- Detection of fine Detail Areas ( only nuke)
- Detection of Moblur Areas ( only nuke)
- Extra Blur composition in Moblur Areas With spill spuression. ( only nuke)

In the top of this post is a screen shot of the nuke gizmo.

visit here for more info>

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