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EdgeText 1.0.0 for Shake

Easily place text at top or bottom of frame

Button download


  • 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac


Last Modified:09/26/2008
File Size: 24.2 KB
The EdgeText Shake macro facilitates easy placement of text around
the edges of the frame.  It behaves like an AddText node, in that
you can daisy chain multiple EdgeText nodes in a row, and add text to
the various parts of the frame (top/bottom, left/center/right).  The
margin and font size controls are based on a video res (640x480)
frame, i.e. the fontsize is 14 at vid res.  If you input a large
frame, e.g. a 4K frame, the text will maintain the same relative
size, i.e. it won't be a tiny speck at 4k!

The text is currently placed on top of a drop shadow so that it is
always visible, even if the background is the same color as the text.

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