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NormalLight3D v2 2.0.0 for Shake

Lighting using normal & depth maps w/ specularity.

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  • 3.x, 2.x, 4.x

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  • Irix
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  • Windows


Last Modified:01/16/2007
File Size: 1.18 MB

The NormalLight3D node takes in a normal map and a z-depth channel and will return 3D lighting information. It uses an accurate vector dot product lighting method and will return diffuse and Specular highlights. Extra goodies include falloff, color channel input for compositing, colored lighting and specular highlights and a 3D light with quality settings.


Better UI (thanks to Francois Lord) and a few other minor improvements.

How it works:

First Shake creates an image the size of your normal map that stores vectors from the pixel on the image plane to the light that vector. It uses X and Y pixel coordinates to calculate X and Y axes and the Z channel to calculate the Z axis of the image's pixel. We then do a dot product of this vector map with the normal map to get diffuse light information. To get specular information I run the normal map through a colorX node that rotates all the vectors so they're pointing at what would be reflected by the ray from camera to surface... so if the vector is pointing 90 degrees from the camera along the X axis (or <<1,0,0>> normal vector) the color X node will rotate the vector another 90 degrees so it's pointing 180 degrees from the camera (or <<0,1,0>>) if it's 45 degrees in the X it'll rotate it another 45 degrees to make it 90. We then do a dot product with this adjusted normal map with the plane to light vector map. To adjust the specular rolloff (AKA glossiness) we run the result of this through a gamma node and then a multiply node to control the specular intensity and color.

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  • Salvador Simo
    Salvador Simo