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BE Subsurface Scattering 3.1.0 for Renderman

Sub-Surface Scattering Slim Template

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Last Modified:10/02/2006
File Size: 70 KB

 Version 3.1 Updates:

- Ablity to contorl blur and strength by sub functions and images. (Thanks Janak .T for feedbak)


Verion 3.0 Updates:
- Support for multi light added. Now shader can be used with multiple lights.

below Image shows a test scene with two scattering light.



Version 2.1 Updates:

- New scene files added for varios type of shadows.( raytrace, deep shadow, standard depth map)


Verion 2 Updates:

- Texture Map error in slim interface fixed.

- Now shader supports color map, It means you can see the

effect of surface color scattering in SSS shader.


Version 1.1 Update:

Atached a readme file and maya ascii file.(instead of .mb file)


New method to fake Subsarface Scattering based on depthmap data.
This shader simulates SSS by finding depth of Sampling Point from illuminated
surface, then it blurs the result. It only requires one light to generate
the depthmap data. I appreciate any comment, please feel free to send me e-mails.


Bahman. Eslami

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