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IFF Image Reader for Photoshop CS 1.1.0 for Photoshop

iff photoshop plugin

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Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:01/24/2007
File Size: 119 KB



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  • yuehao

    yuehao said over 14 years ago:

    Searching for it long time.
  • winsoo

    winsoo said over 14 years ago:

    要钱? 还是要什么
  • winsoo

    winsoo said over 14 years ago:

  • winsoo

    winsoo said over 14 years ago:

  • winsoo

    winsoo said over 14 years ago:

  • timEther

    timEther said over 16 years ago:

    I find this plugin often crashes photoshop CS3 (on winXP) when saving files (often hirez images), and is pretty much unusable because of this - so still converting using fcheck. Does anyone also have this problem? I'd happily pay for a new version of this plugin made with full support of all iff channels.
  • Ryan Darling

    Ryan Darling said over 17 years ago:

    Is there going to be any loss of quality after opening in photoshop? Is this the industry standard?
  • zoomy

    zoomy said over 19 years ago:

    readme says optional alpha channel but photoshop 10 seems to ignore it when reading or writing.
  • SalaamF50

    SalaamF50 said over 19 years ago:

    Photoshop IFF Plug-in makess iff readable in photoshop which is great, really really awsome, thanks for putting it on highend3d.

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