Using an EXR sequence workflow to all my project I often there come a time to render out all
sequences to mov files. This problem led to writing this little script which basicly renders out
every file/sequence in the source folder to the output folder.
Its a very simple install.
Put and in your .nuke folder (Windows – C:\Users\YourUserName\.nuke).
If you already have the there just add merge the content with the downloaded file.
Now its all set.
How to use it
From the top Render menu pick Folder Render. Two nodes will apear. In the Folder Render Node parameters the user specifies the Source Folder, from which it will take the images, and the Output Folder to where it will save out the render files. Whats really cool is that Folder Render will preserve the file structure from the Source Folder so the rendered images will be grouped in folders with the same name only in the Output Folder.
In the Folder Render properties there is also a list of write nodes, from which the output image format and codec information will be taken. The RF_Write_Template node is set the default node from which the Folder Render will get the render settings. In the Folder Render properties you can also find the render button wich is used to execute the render.
As soon as the user picks the Source Folder a list of files and image sequences will apear in the Folder Render node parameters tab. There the user can pich which files to render. During rendering the labels of the finished files will turn green.
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