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Nuke'Em (Max to Nuke Exporter) 2.9.4

Export Scenes from Max to Nuke

Button download


  • 5.x, 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:07/20/2015
File Size: 43.3 KB


nuke, 3ds max, exporter

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  • im.thatoneguy

    im.thatoneguy said almost 11 years ago:

    No lens shift correction yet. It's theoretically possible through a Local Matrix however I'm honestly not sure what the equivalent transforms would be to perfectly match Vray settings.
  • cerpnjak

    cerpnjak said over 11 years ago:

    Does the script support lens shift/camera correction?
  • enriquexa

    enriquexa said almost 14 years ago:

    n.n thanks, i dont know if i installed this right, what i did was copy the entire script and images inside the /scripts/startup/max2nuke/ , then i started 3dmax and went to the customize--customize user interface-- toolbars --Pongoloid-- then add the only actor to an existing toolbar, and apparently it works :D , thanks for the guidance. cheers!
  • im.thatoneguy

    im.thatoneguy said almost 14 years ago:

    The script doesn't run, it installs a macroscript that you can add to a toolbar. It's under the category of "Pongoloid".
  • enriquexa

    enriquexa said almost 14 years ago:

    great plug, but... im trying to use this plug in my max 2011, and i cant get this working, im running the script, am i doing something wrong?

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