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Max2Nuke 0.0.6

Max2Nuke Chanfile Export

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Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/25/2009
File Size: 8.14 KB

Version History


initial release


-the import_chan_file in the zip is now compatible to other chanfiles.if it finds aperture values in the chanfile (lines 8 and 9) it sets the camera to these values and calculates the focal length based on these.
-the aperture settings are no longer keyframed, but static values


-fixed a bug where script produced wrong data when camera rolled
-script now supports export of helper and object animation (export obj at first frame of animation!)
-added checkbox to turn off chanfile-popup
-rotation order in nuke is now XZY
-script is now a macroscript (under "mondochiba")


-added export of obj sequences (for nuke 4.8 and higher // load into readgeo as sequence) so you can bring      objects with vertex animation to nuke (this can also be multiple objects in one obj)
-added export of single obj files (same as using the normal max export but with fewer mouse-clicks, obj is        alway exported at start-spinner frame)
-added a framerange override (click R to reset)
-added a progressbar
-put the transform and rotation orders as text in the gui as a reminder

- chanfiles can now also be imported (camera or axis)
-multiple objects can now be copied to the clipboard and pasted on the nuke dag
 so far, everything that is not a camera simply becomes an axis in nuke
 transform order is set automatically and  pasted objects are labeled according to their max scene-name
-the copy-to-clipboard also comes as a seperate macroscript (max2nuke_clipboard) so you can assign a    hotkey and copy/paste cameras/axis without opening a GUI
-vray cameras are supported (but lacks conversion for zoom and focal distance, this leads to alignment  issues, solved in the next version)
-the window is now dockable

-fixed a typo-  vray cam hap vap settings where not exported correctly
-vray camera focal length is now correctly calculated based on focal length and focus distance
 (don't be alarmed if focal length values look wrong in nuke)
-zoom and focus distance are exported when using copy/paste