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Using Ribbox in MTOR
Using Ribbox in MTOR
sdb1987, updated 2005-09-14 19:27:14 UTC 40,464 views  Rating:
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Now the Geometry RIB file :

In the Geometry file we got a lot of worthless informations we need to delete. Let's start by the end.

Delete the last two line of the RIB :



and delete all the first lines from the top of the file to to the Surface "DefaultSurface" line.

If you changed the name of your Shadow texture file in the shadow RIB file you need to do the same here :

Seach for the word shd and edit the name of your shadow.

7 - Save this file as City_box.rib

8 - Now it's time to render the shadows :

Open a DOS or UNIX shell whatever and type the folowing:

prman -progress "[path to your shadow Rib file]"

Your shadow should be rendered.

To see it Type :

sho [path to your TEX file]

9 - Back to Maya export selected (File>Export Selection) the Camera and set a new file (File>New File)

Import the camera Scene and in the RenderMan Menu Create a new Palette (Renderman>Slim>New Palette)

Rename it City_box and Create an apearance RIBBOX (File>Create Apearance>RIBBOX)

Double click on the new apearance and Rename it : world_[something you want].

The important thing is the word "world" i noticed that the RIBBOX doesn't work on nt if you not name the Apearance.(on NT)

You see only a button called Edit... Hit it .

A text editor open, type the line below:

ReadAchive "[Path to your Geometry Rib file]"

Save as

Make sure that the parameter in RenderMan Globals are set correctly (Renderer >Render).

10 - Launch the Render .

Now you'll see that RenderMan does not need to work it just read the precalculed Shadows and RIB file and do the rendering.

Note : I noticed that the RIBBOX work better on SGI than NT, so if you got some problem (eg: the image is black)

You can just Output a RIB file of the Camera scene and edit it to add the ReadArchive manually.

That's it this is the end. I hope this tut will help you . If you have some comment feel free to contact me

Nicolas AITHADI aka "casquette"

Freelance Maya /Renderman
<Copyright - 2000 - Nicolas AITHADI - All right reserved.