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Create a gear and render it realisticly with Mental Ray
Create a gear and render it realisticly with Mental Ray
BaRToNiX, updated 2006-10-05 00:50:30 UTC 508,721 views  Rating:
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Use the move manipulator

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This will be a bit tricky to explain, but I'll try. Keep the same faces that you just extruded selected, now go to edit polygons>extrude face, scale it so it's not as high, then extrude it again, and make it come out a little bit more

Ok I'd say we're done with modelling it! Now we'll BEVEL it, apply a bevel with these settings Edit polygons>bevel

Ok for some of you, I don't know if the bevel was too big, but for me an error happens when you boolean an object, then try to bevel it, the bevel becomes very small, so if the bevel is too big for you make it about .3 to .4 if your bevel does look small like mine, we'll smooth it.

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Ok! That looks pretty good, it's a bit high poly, but that's OK I suppose. Now we should move on to the rendering part of the tutorial, move your sprocket up so it rests on the grid, then create a polygon plane on it's Y Axis, and scale it out so it's very large. Check under it to see if your gear is going to far through it, we want it to sit on top of it

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Select your plane, and apply a lambert shader to it, lighting/shading>assign new material>lambert Give it a greenish color, just because it looks cool

Ok! Now select your gear, and go into rendering toolset, Lighting/shading>assign new material>Dgs_material, and apply these settings