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ZenTools 1.6.1 for Maya (maya script)

poly, uv, surface, curve, rigging, & hair tools

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  • 2009, 2008

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Last Modified:04/09/2009
File Size: 307 KB


Model > Curve Distribute between Vertices in Maya 2014

Submitted byppautler ppautler
This is great tool! I've used it for many years with various versions of Maya, and I find it really helpful.

I'm using ZenTools in Maya 2014 for the first time, and I'm running into a problem. When a select some vertices and try to run Model > Curve Distribute between Vertices, I get this error:

// Error: file: .../maya/2014-x64/scripts/zen/mel/zenLoop.mel line 559: No object matches name:  //
// Error: file: .../maya/2014-x64/scripts/zen/mel/zenLoop.mel line 559: Error evaluating argument at position 1 in procedure "zenReturnFirstStringItem". // 

I am able to use Model > Loft Distribute between Edge Loops, but for some reason Curve Distribute does not work. Any ideas why this might be? Could it be something specific to Maya 2014?

Comments on this bug:


    GALOWOLF said over 6 years ago:

    I am using 2018 version and have the same problem with you.
    Error evaluating argument at position 1 in procedure "zenReturnFirstStringItem".

    GALOWOLF said over 6 years ago:

    Try EP instead of Arc, it works for me now.
  • Ananda Divine

    Ananda Divine said over 6 years ago:

    Same error here iwht Maya 2018. EP & CV work but gives 6 errors.

    // Warning: string $zenDelayedCommands="disconnectAttr \"rebuildCurve1.outputCurve\" \"curveShape1.create\";\n"; //
    // Warning: Line 1.100 : Redeclaration of variable "$zenDelayedCommands" shadows previous declaration at line 22. Previous value will be overwritten by explicit initializer. //
    // Warning: int $zenDelayedCommandsSJ=181; //
    // Warning: Line 1.30 : Redeclaration of variable "$zenDelayedCommandsSJ" shadows previous declaration at line 23. Previous value will be overwritten by explicit initializer. //
    // Warning: line 6: errors encountered:

  • jaro0307

    jaro0307 said over 6 years ago:

    I had the same problem when using the arc function. What worked for me: I enabled not only the necessary plug ins from the bonus tools but ALL plugins to see if I was missing one that the script needs. Indeed now it works, even after i disabled everything I don't need. Not sure if this was pure Luck or if really a plugin wasnt enabled in the manager.
  • V4sc0

    V4sc0 said over 6 years ago:

    EP instead of Arc worked for me as well. Using Maya 2018.4!
  • gib3d

    gib3d said about 6 years ago:

    I've been running into the same problem and don't know how to fix it. What does EP instead of Arc mean?
  • tyroners

    tyroners said almost 6 years ago:

    So... Using the 'ARC', I got the same errors in Maya 2018.3. I then used the EP and it worked. I went back to the ARC and then the ARC worked. It has worked since then. I restarted Maya and the ARC worked the first time...
  • RedShard

    RedShard said over 5 years ago:

    "tyroners said 2 months ago:

    So... Using the 'ARC', I got the same errors in Maya 2018.3. I then used the EP and it worked. I went back to the ARC and then the ARC worked. It has worked since then. I restarted Maya and the ARC worked the first time..."
    I did what he did except in Maya 2019. Just an fyi to let you guys know this script still works in the latest Maya version.
    P.S. -
    "gib3dsaid 4 months ago:
    I've been running into the same problem and don't know how to fix it. What does EP instead of Arc mean?"
    I'm not sure of the actual difference, but I believe it's just the difference in how the plugin calculates curves. Arc uses "Locators (found under the Maya Menu > Create)," whereas EP uses Maya's own inbuilt curve tool (Create > Curve Tools). Something like that. ^.^

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