1.1 - July 22, 2009
- Fixed a bug which caused the IR Axes mapping to fail.
Wiimote Device Editor to use with mayaWiimoteServer.exe (Paris Mavroidis), downloadable from this site or:
This is intended to be a GUI to manage the Mocap capabilities provided by the wiimote,
which is available in Maya (32-bit) via the mayaWiimoteServer created by Paris Mavroidis.
Provides a GUI to setup wiimote attachments easily, being able to attach wiimote axis to many objects at the same time with some randomization. Select an object(s) and a channel in the channelBox and press attach.
Launch GUI:
from cra_wiiMan import *
0 - Place the script in your maya user scripts folder (execute this command "internalVar -usd" to get it)
1 - Browse for "mayaWiimoteServer.exe". The path gets stored.
2 - Press "Connect" to make available the wiimote server in Maya. Once connected the layout
changes to the "Wiimote Controller".
3 - Select an object(s) and an attribute in the Channel Box (currently it works only with
main selected attributes of the CB, those of the top node).
4 - Press attach to control the attribute with the data provided by the selected wiimote axis.
If you enable the random option yo can define a range of values. The same for the offset of the channel.
It's also posible to set absolute or relative mappings.
5 - Record and the apply the take.

note: my first python script!!
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