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whatIsWindow.mel 1.0 for Maya (maya script)

do you use the 'whatIs' command as much as i...

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  • 5.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/20/2003
File Size: 7.12 KB
do you use the 'whatIs' command as much as i do?
coming from unix it's a pain in the butt to click
your way trough windows fileDialog to check one
MEL-file in your favorite textEditor.
this is the shortcut from maya directly to your textEditor.

Works for TEXTPAD and NOTEPAD and SCRIPTEDITOR so far,
but if you know MEL a little it can easily be expanded
to work with other Editors.

NOTEPAD and SCRIPTEDITOR are only experimental entries
to show what can be done. In scriptEditor-mode it
works the same as "scriptEditor|File|Open Script":
it prints the script into the 'input'section and
erases anything there prior. so beware! ...and Enjoy!

p.s.: check the script and edit file location of textpad to suit your needs.

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