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Vray gamma correction 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

This script is used to add vray gamma corection attribute to file nodes

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  • 2011, 2010, 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:02/06/2011
File Size: 2.61 KB
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  • Giacomo Gemmiti

    Giacomo Gemmiti said over 11 years ago:

    Awesome!! this is really useful! and work great. One of the most stressful things in fact is that every time I have to turn on the option for each texture (or just the diffuse) ... so instead it is super comfortable! Really appreciated! p.s. On Maya 2012 works fine ;)
  • stephen hibberd

    stephen hibberd said over 12 years ago:

    Does this work with Maya 2012 as I get a syntax error when running the script.
  • mindymind

    mindymind said over 13 years ago:

    what I see is, that the "Linear workflow option" only works when using "Don't effect Colors" and a Gamma of 2.2. By this you can only use the "Linear Multiply". You can not choose Exponential Color Mapping or so. So it would make sense to gamma correct each file texture node. But not bump nodes I would say, or even normal maps. Would be cool if the script could do this automatically. A normal map or bump map is information thing. I doesn't make sense to gamma correct such files. At least this is the case for renderer like Mental Ray. I guess for Vray it is the same.
  • isak3d

    isak3d said almost 14 years ago:

    Yes I could but the results are not the same, otherwise why would they put gamma correction attribute? Read Vray for Maya documentation. “Note that this option is intended to be used only for quickly converting old scenes which are not set up with proper linear work flow in mind. This option is not a replacement for proper linear work flow.”
  • SreckoM

    SreckoM said almost 14 years ago:

    Or you could just turn on Linear workflow option in Color mapping. Isn't that faster?

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