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voxelMaster 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

control fluids using particles

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  • 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/22/2008
File Size: 23.8 KB
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  • lin884006

    lin884006 said over 15 years ago:

    Put the script into your script folder and go back maya type "voxelMaster" in your command line.
  • _murphy_

    _murphy_ said over 15 years ago:

    Works fine, but as mention already there is a problem with particle cache. One needs to cache the fluid itself and leave particles untouched with no cache . . .
  • sil_musashi

    sil_musashi said almost 16 years ago:

    I'm using Maya 2009 and I don't know how to execute this script? Click and drag the file to Maya viewport doesn't work. Copy the whole script and paste it into the script editor and execute from there doesn't work either. Please help.
  • Aikiman007

    Aikiman007 said over 16 years ago:

    Nice script!
  • rich28

    rich28 said almost 17 years ago:

    Great script but is it possible to get it to work properly when the particles are using a disk cache? The fluid stops being created when I use cache
  • simoncheou83

    simoncheou83 said almost 17 years ago:

    Hey, you did a nice script but, i have some question to ask, is the normal fluid emitter can control their Density, Heat and Fuel voxel per second settings to control their color changes, but in this script i can't find it, is it the setting is at some where or it need to use other method to do it?
  • Starrider

    Starrider said almost 17 years ago:

    This script is so good! I had the problem of the missing emission velocity in the fluid emitter. This helps so much!
  • kobataro

    kobataro said almost 17 years ago:

    this is what we are waiting for!

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