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Tree Generator 1.4 for Maya (maya script)

This script makes trees. Examples of its...

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  • 5.x, 4.x, 3.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:07/11/2003
File Size: 62.4 KB
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1-4 of 4

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  • Freakman0815

    Freakman0815 said about 11 years ago:

    Great Tool even for Maya 2013 - creates nice Trees and you can Tweak a lot of stuff. I like it !
  • Herb01

    Herb01 said over 17 years ago:

    Put in script folder in application folder. Delete makeTree.mel. Rename makeTree.mel.Linux, makeTree.mel. make a tree.
  • kelvinspy

    kelvinspy said almost 18 years ago:

    I use 7.0 version but I cant generate the tree even I extracted those files in the right place and renamed the linux file to "makeTree.mel". Could anyone please tell me what's wrong? many thx!!
  • vEEcEE

    vEEcEE said almost 19 years ago:

    Cool script. Generates fairly nice tree geometry with quite a few options you can tweak. My only real complaint is that it always creates a brand new scene when you create the tree trunk. Also, as the topic says, this works in Maya 7.0 (and most likely 6.x too), but you have to run the "linux" version of the script (which is included) even if you're running Windows. I checked, and there are no linux specific parts of the script, so there's no problems.

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