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th_mradvancedmemglobals.mel 0.9.0 for Maya (maya script)

Adds swap directory render globals to mental ray

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  • 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:08/29/2006
File Size: 1.48 KB

This is a quick script that encompasses all of the memory hacks I’ve been using to make mentalray behave itself lately courtesy of folks on CGTalk and LAMRUG.

The script will add custom scene globals in Maya allowing you to set an overflow swap directory for mental ray, and also add attributes to modify the Maya memory zone in Maya 7 (Maya 8’s globals already include this).

In addition, it’ll select the mentalrayGlobals node at the end of the operation, or if those attributes already exist, so you don’t have to go hunting for the hidden node when you want to make changes.

The memory zone thing is a pretty complex topic you can read about here:

Mental Ray memory hacks thread at LAMRUG

To install, simply copy into your maya[version]scripts directory, source (or relaunch maya) and execute th_mrAdvancedMemGlobals; from the command line (or middle-mouse drag the command to a shelf).

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