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TD_Tubus 0.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

Create Tubes/Cables based on Curves, and more

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  • 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:10/23/2007
File Size: 32.2 KB
Create and manipulate cylindrical poly tubes based on the curves you draw.

Creates multiple curves taking an original curve and offsetting it randomly over a user defined radius. The offset curves can then used again to get tubes.

As long as you don't delete history you have control over the radius and subdivisions of the tubes.

Has randomization capability of vertex position of a selected curve.

It also has a function to create a joint chain, each joint placed on the selected curve's  CVs

Well, yes, it does not create actual tubes, you have to thicken the geometry yourself, this script just takes care of most of the rest.

Source the script (or put it on the scripts folder and rehash if necessary ), and call  TD_Tubus from the command line.

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