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Tartarus Tool Box 2.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

Modeling tool box - 32+ functions/tools

Button download


  • 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:07/16/2009
File Size: 545 KB

Version History

//2.01 --
    -- The full Tartarus Window now launches propperly in maya 2008 and 8.5.
    -- Now a link to the Slim Tartarus Window in the main pulldown.


//2.00 --
   I\'m sure I\'ll leave something out, a lot was upgraded


    -- I feel this new GUI layout works better than the previous version of Tartarus.
     .Easier to get to the function\'s/tool\'s options
     .Save layouts
     .Show/Hide a pulldown menu in Tartarus
     .Show/Hide Function/Tool list on the left


   Tartarus Pulldown Menu --
    -- These pulldown options open the desired function in a new window.  This window is slim down version of the main window.  This window also loads much faster than the Tartarus Window.




   Retopping options --
     .Fixed a few issues in the functions
     .You can now use the previous verts found in vert to closest vert on the same Master or a new Master object.


   Hair Tools --
    -- This is the next area for Tartarus to move into
     .Easily move hair follicles over your object with sliders, select the follicle base first(NOT curve)
     .Don\'t update the sliders to move other follicles to the location of the last hair follicle.


   Delete Across Axis --
    -- Pick a pos/neg axis to clear the faces off of an object.


   Mirror/Combine Object Halves --
     .Mirror Geometry across a chosen axis
     .Move pivot to chosen axis on Combined or Mirrored geometry only, the non-combined original keeps its original pivot.  With this off, Mirrored geometry has the same pivot point but mirrored on the axis
     .Combine and merge halves is the same as it\'s been


   Select Closest Vert to Vert --
    -- Select components on Object 1 based on the distance per vertex on Object 2



//1.63 --  connectFace Command wasn\'t loading with Tartarus, works now.


//1.62--  Figured out the connectFace function wasn\'t loading with Tartarus.


//1.61--  Just added the X, Y, and Z radio buttons to the Animation Assistant window; they don\'t work yet.


//1.60 -- 
     Connect Face Function --
       .Select two faces, either on the same object or two different objects, then hit the Connect Face button in the functions tab.
       .Division slider - Number of divisions on the connection.
       ."Verts to Slide the connection" slider -- will rotate the connection by the number selected.


     Tartarus Pulldown --
       .Added Connect Face and the Animation Assistant


     Animation Assistant --
       .Select all of your controllers and remember your selection;
         "Remember Selected" & "Select Remembered" & "Clear Memory"

       .Animation Recall and Mirror ---
         ,Key Current Frame
         ,Mirror Selected --
           \'Flip first controllers attributes to second
         ,Recall Frame on Selected --
           \'Slider gets attributes from chosen frame
              **Frame picked doesn\'t need to have a key.
         ,Mirror positioning with first selected --
           \'Mirror from first selected onto second from the frame picked by the slider.
         ,Mirror Attributes on current controls --
           \'Mirror control with itself over the axis
              **Good for the spine, head, neck controls

       .Animation Looper ---
         ,Set the first and last frame of your animation, then set the range, start loop frame and end loop frame.
         ,Bake Looped Keys --
           \'Will replicate all keys within the start and end animation frames.

//1.52 -- More Gui Errors -- Selector Tools gui reworked a little.

  Geometry Brain\'s slider is now working.

Isolate selected and Isolate unselected now working propperly.


//1.51 -- Gui Error, Selector Tools were displayed in full under the Selectables menu.


//1.50 -- New additions ++

 The Extended Selector Tools --
   .Select verts, edges, faces, and uvs through a radius range of the pivot point.
   .Select random verts, edges, faces and uvs by a percentage of all verts, edges, faces or uvs.

 Tartarus Pulldown --
   .Added a few more working commands in the menu pulldown on the top bar.
   .Made Gen. Quad Sphere, Geometry Brain, Selectables, and Selector Tools their own windows.

Fixed problems -- Retopping Options ++
   .Fixed the problem, on Vert to Face Normal, that the progress bar would stay at 100% and not clear.

// 1.46 --  Spell check, spell check, spell check, and I\'m sure I missed things.

                    Also, fixed a few button labels and added some to the Read me.