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spReticleN 1.0.1 for Maya

creates a reticle for a camera

Button download


  • 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:09/05/2009
File Size: 195 KB
updated with maya 2010 32 bit

Originally developed at Sony Pictures Imageworks, spReticleLoc is a Maya C++ plugin plus MEL code which creates a reticle for a camera. It allows for various camera reference masks to be displayed when looking through the camera, such as filmback, projection gate, and pan and scan attributes

The value of predefined parameters can be displayed in selectable areas, such as the camera focal length and name, current aspect ratio; frame number, name of the show and shot, Maya scene file name, current user name, etc. Finally, arbitrary textural information can be displayed as well.

compiled for maya 2009 ,- 32 and 64 bit

Usage information:

In the Maya script editor, do this to create a maya-reticle.  Note that
you might have to put in the abolute path to the plugin and MEL files:

// Load plugin
loadPlugin "spReticleLoc.mll";

// Load MEL code
source "spReticleLoc.mel;

// Load attribute editor template; note that this should not be necessary
// if you installed it in the proper place so Maya finds it and loads it
// automatically when you create a spReticleLoc node.
source "AEspReticleLocTemplate.mel";

// Create a spReticleLoc node


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  • Ignacio Perez
    Ignacio Perez
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