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Speed Facial Rig : Enhance your character - Lite Version 2.0.5 for Maya (maya script)

Speed Facial Rig is rigging tool for none rigger who want have a realistic facial animation.

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

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Last Modified:11/21/2016
File Size: 336 KB
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  • egeman

    egeman said over 7 years ago:

    Hello Sir,   I would like to buy full version of your script.It seems really nice but i am little confused. What is the differences between this version and full version? I watched all the video which you published but it is not clear what is the benefit of full version and what comes extra? If you can give me answer i will be glat.
  • ChristofStanits

    ChristofStanits said almost 8 years ago:

    at the base it is a nice script, but its interface is convoluted and complex. error messages are not specific and there is no written documentation.
    The developer put an effort into creating videos, but they are only in french with partialy bad/incomplete subtitles.
    Some of videos are missing subtitles alltogether, so you cant know if there is some important info in that might be necessary for you to understand the script.
    You get the script in only a compiled version, so you cant check through it yourself in figuring out to understand it.
    conclusion: its very hard to understand how this script works, so it might take you some days to try and incorporate it into your pipeline to only then realize you cant use it.
  • gomdoli6086

    gomdoli6086 said about 8 years ago:

    Hi lacuna.

    Almost as same reason Mr Intuition, also really I need previous version(1.5 ver).

     I have worked facial work using by 1.5 version and currently update script to 2.0 version.
    My mistake, I think I deleted 1.5 version and I can't find 1.5 version anymore and anywhere.
     Could u send to me 1.5 version script? It will be great help to me.
    My email address is -->
  • lacuna

    lacuna said about 8 years ago:

    Hi Mr Intuition, the previous version of the script and the version 2.0 are really far different, but if you want to back on the old version, you can contact me on mail and I will send you the 1.5 version.
  • Intuition

    Intuition said over 8 years ago:

    Is there a way to get the old 1.5 version of Speed Facial Rig? I see the new one is just as capable but I have things setup with the old one and really like and prefer the pre-built blendshape list that was built into 1.5 vs the new one which just says record shape. I want to work with the old workflow I am used to it and in a hurry. Attaching the jaw to the head was very simple in 1.5 in 2.0 it is a mystery where I can't just attach it but record positions. This is far more assuming steps than the previous version where you can clearly tell where you are in the process. Please upload the old version somewhere so I can access it. I still have the old version at work but am on vacation trying to update them from here and don't want to use 2.0 right now. I promise I'll buy the 2.0 version if I can get the old 1.5 version from here.
  • lacuna

    lacuna said almost 9 years ago:

    No prob guy ! You are welcome, the new version will coming soon, i just wait to finish my dev on the movie
  • droffset

    droffset said almost 9 years ago:

    Five stars. Ah, you have to move the compiled python file from the 2016 folder into the folder level above it. It works perfectly. Sorry for the confusion, will delete the other post.
  • lacuna

    lacuna said almost 9 years ago:

    Hi, you can find the script into the different maya version directory :). Select the facial_UI.pyc into the version number, copy paste it into your maya dir : by default : C:\Users\*****\Documents\maya\20**\prefs\scripts launch it with the script editor with these command : import facial_UI reload (facial_UI) facial_UI.UI()
  • lacuna

    lacuna said almost 9 years ago:

    Hi Thank you Patrick, yes i still working on it, actually my script was bought for a movie, a big release will coming but i don't when. Many things will change in 2.0, more friendly, more flexible, fastest to create blendshape with a newest technique and others things who i can't talking on it for the moment. :) See you soon for the next release.
  • Patrick Daniels

    Patrick Daniels said almost 9 years ago:

    Thank you for keeping this updated. It is awesome. - Patrick

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