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skinningTools 1.6 for Maya (maya script)

This is an all-in-one skinning toolset, packed...

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  • 6.x, 5.x


Last Modified:11/05/2004
File Size: 144 KB
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  • Slayver

    Slayver said over 4 years ago:

    2020 here. Script still the best!!!
  • jun luo

    jun luo said over 9 years ago:

    Thank you blaztw
  • blaztw

    blaztw said almost 11 years ago:

    work for 2013 move to line : 3801 string $transferINFButton = `button -l "Close Window" -h 20 -ann "Close Window" -c "deleteUI skinningToolsUI"`; Insert 1 line -p $ST_masterForm like below: string $transferINFButton = `button -l "Close Window" -p $ST_masterForm -h 20 -ann "Close Window" -c "deleteUI skinningToolsUI"`; save and close .mel
  • phu to nhut

    phu to nhut said about 14 years ago:

    hi solotro! i need your help. Can you give skinTools v2.0 beta to me? please! send it to email : thanks solotro so much!
  • James Dunlop

    James Dunlop said over 14 years ago:

    k heres a butcher that might work for 2011 Open the mel file, and comment out /* string $transferINFButton = `button -l "Close Window" -h 20 -ann "Close Window" -c "deleteUI skinningToolsUI"`; */ and /* -af $transferINFButton left 2 -an $transferINFButton top -af $transferINFButton right 2 -af $transferINFButton bottom 2 $ST_masterForm; */ change -ac $ST_setWeightsFrame bottom 2 $transferINFButton to -af $ST_setWeightsFrame bottom 2 $ST_masterForm;
  • solotro

    solotro said almost 17 years ago:

    I have the v 2.0 beta running excellent in Maya 8.5 and 2008 on windows, it's a great time saver!!..but I can't install (don't know really hehe) it on OSX (10.5.3) with the same versions of Maya..anyone?? I'll appreciate your help. Thanks
  • sebkaine

    sebkaine said almost 18 years ago:

    Excellent script ! very useful to group your joints . But The component Editor TAB doesn't work on Maya 7 and 8. Thanks a lot for sharing this !
  • masternull

    masternull said over 19 years ago:

    i use this every time i skin... still using it 4 years later :)
  • admin

    admin said over 19 years ago:

    testing review in firefox 1.0.6
  • Jand

    Jand said over 19 years ago:

    Well thought out and very fullfeatured all in one skinning toolset. Better than Skinny 3.1. Tons of really good utils included. Theres an even better version 2.0beta at David Waldens homesite so grab that one. Just remember to click the paint weight tab each time you want to enter painting mode again.

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