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skinningTools 1.6 for Maya (maya script)

This is an all-in-one skinning toolset, packed...

Button download


  • 6.x, 5.x


Last Modified:11/05/2004
File Size: 144 KB


Doesn't work with 2011

Submitted byLoukana La louve Loukana La louve

I worked with this script for 2 years, and it's a really good one. But recently, I tried it on 2011, and the script wouldn't work. I get this message :

// Warning: file: /home/usr/stage2/maya/2011-x64/scripts/skinningTools.mel line 4241: The -lw/-labelWidth flag is obsolete and should not be used. //
// Warning: file: /home/usr/stage2/maya/2011-x64/scripts/skinningTools.mel line 4241: The -la/-labelAlign flag is obsolete and should not be used. //
// Warning: file: /home/usr/stage2/maya/2011-x64/scripts/skinningTools.mel line 4372: The -la/-labelAlign flag is obsolete and should not be used. //
// Warning: file: /home/usr/stage2/maya/2011-x64/scripts/skinningTools.mel line 4401: The -la/-labelAlign flag is obsolete and should not be used. //
// Warning: file: /home/usr/stage2/maya/2011-x64/scripts/skinningTools.mel line 4458: The -la/-labelAlign flag is obsolete and should not be used. //
// Warning: file: /home/usr/stage2/maya/2011-x64/scripts/skinningTools.mel line 3867: Converting string "2011 x64." to a float value of 2011. //
// Warning: file: /home/usr/stage2/maya/2011-x64/scripts/skinningTools.mel line 4591: The -la/-labelAlign flag is obsolete and should not be used. //
// Error: file: /home/usr/stage2/maya/2011-x64/scripts/skinningTools.mel line 4653: Controls must have a layout.  No layout found in window : //

Could someone correct this error ? This script is very usefull, and I've a very hard time working without it...

Thanks in advance.

Comments on this bug:

  • Anish Nandgaonkar

    Anish Nandgaonkar said over 14 years ago:

    yeh, even i'm facing the same problem, experts, Please help...
  • James Dunlop

    James Dunlop said over 14 years ago:

    k heres a butcher that might work for 2011 Open the mel file, and comment out /* string $transferINFButton = `button -l "Close Window" -h 20 -ann "Close Window" -c "deleteUI skinningToolsUI"`; */ and /* -af $transferINFButton left 2 -an $transferINFButton top -af $transferINFButton right 2 -af $transferINFButton bottom 2 $ST_masterForm; */ change -ac $ST_setWeightsFrame bottom 2 $transferINFButton to -af $ST_setWeightsFrame bottom 2 $ST_masterForm;

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