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Skin static object animation to joints 0.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

Skin a simulation to joints so it can be imported to UDK as skeletal mesh

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  • 2013

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:03/09/2013
File Size: 1.54 KB
Got tired of making the tedious work of manually skin simulations to bones so they can be used in UDK.

script does this basicly:
duplicate all selected bits and combine them into 1 mesh
create joints at the center position of all bits
parent constrain joint to the animated bit
skin the combined mesh's bits to it's joint with 1.0 weighting 

now it's easy to simulate and import into unreal!

you still need to bake animation to joints when done though, thought it to have it as flexible as possible and not auto-bake in script

it is quite hacky but tried to comment as much as possible

feel free to mail me suggestions and improvements 

read me:
select animated bits you want to skin then use python script

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