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Simple Tools Asset Manager - Trial Version 0.9.10 for Maya (maya script)

Asset management for Maya made simple.

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  • 2022, 2019, 2018, 2016

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/03/2022
File Size: 1.02 MB


maya, management, pyqt

Version History

---------------------v.0.9.10 release note---------------------
new maya 2023 support. Python 3.
new maya 2019 support. 
---------------------v.0.9.9 release note---------------------
new maya 2022 support. Works in both python 2 and 3
new maya 2018 support. 
maya 2016 support. 
maya 2014 and 2015 will not be supported anymore
---------------------v.0.9.8 release note---------------------
maya 2016 support. 
maya 2013 will not be supported anymore
---------------------v.0.9.7 release note---------------------
maya 2012 will not be supported anymore.
maya 2013 and 2014 version will not be updated with new features and be locked at version 0.9.6
maya 2015 support and switch to Pyside.
New project folder and file structure.
Added a publish action in the context menu of a container.
Added support to use drive letter as the project folder. i.e. M:/
Added a rename container feature.
---------------------v.0.9.6 release note---------------------
Fixed a bug where manage file texture wouldn't copy any files if one of them didn't exists.
Fixed a bug where creating a container from selection wouldn't preserve reference.
Fixed a bug where the ui couldn't open anymore when some files were manually deleted off the projects.
Added compatibility for maya 2014 sp2 and extension where Autodesk changed the about command.
---------------------v.0.9.5 release note---------------------

Support maya 2014
snapshot ui. 
It has a new Lighting menu with options and High Quality Rendering under Renderers menu.
You can use hotkey 6 and 7 to toggle inbetween default and all light inside the ui viewport.
When opening the ui, The focus has changed to the viewport allowing you to use the 'F' hotkey to frame all object in viewport. (Focus used to be in lens floatfield.)
Fixed ui bug when viewport would take half the space.
It is non-modal now, allowing you to select object in other modelPanel.
The snap_cam gets its position from the current view making it easier to snap images.

Master/slave referenceIntroduced a master/slace reference system. 
You can now reference the master file which is a copy of the latest version allowing for automatic update in scene file where the master file was referenced.
You can easily change the master file to an older version by right-clicking it. 
Keep in mind that you'll have to re-open a scene for the reference update.

Fixed bug where you needed to re-open main ui to display containers icons after creating a brand new project. 
Fixed Bug where preference menu checkbox state would not update properly when clicking the shelf button if the ui was already open.
Fixed a display bug in wip folders where older wip would appear empty.
Exporting selection to wip folder now preserve reference.
Added a pref to use or not namespace when importing a wip.
Updated startup shelf code to accommodate change in python version in maya 2014
---------------------v.0.9.4 release note---------------------
Fixed bug in WIP and improved wip workflow.
added overwrite wip capabilityadded rename wip capability
Added new manage texture feature.If checked, from the preferences menu. It will make sure texture filepath are pointing in the containers sourceimages folder.If the file doesn't exists, it will be copied over and the link of the texture node will be changed accordingly.
If the texture node use image sequence, it will copy all related images providing they use this naming convention 
it supports any number padding.
---------------------v.0.9.3 release note---------------------
added feature:
Main window will retains it's size in free window mode.
Ability to create a container from the current scene.
Trial version