Do you want to work in Expert Mode (Ctrl + Space) and keep your shelves visible?.
Just copy the .mel to your script folder and add to a hotKey with the "shelfWnd;" command.
To keep synchronized the maya shelf and the WindowShelf use the shelf menu Shelf>>Synchronize Shelf.
Remember before quit shelfWindow save first your new shelfs. Shelf>>Save Shelves.
Only tested in 6.0 6.5 and 7.0, but it should work in any version.
Feedback from users especially linux users will be appreciated, thanks.
The new features from version 1.0.0 are:
- Full fuctional channel box with popUp menu
- A new popup menu to switch between the shelfs
- New UI to show hide the shelfs
- minimize maximize the shelfWindow when the hotKey is pressed.
To install the script copy it to your scripts directory and add the command shelfWnd; to a hotKey and it is all done.
Enjoy :-)
9/17/06 Fixed bug. The shelves are only saved the first time, If you had download the script please update.
10/11/06 Updated to work under linux.
P.D. There is a know bug, if you start Maya without load the main shelf and you load it when shelfWindow is loaded it will generate a error and the main Maya interface will crash.
You can save your work using CTRL + S. I can't fix it because is a Maya's internal script error.
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