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shakeExporter.mel 0.6 for Maya (maya script)

This package is to simplify the compositing...

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  • 5.x, 4.x

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  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:03/12/2004
File Size: 28.6 KB
This package is to simplify the compositing stage when rendering a number of elements or passes using Render Layers. It will automatically build a shake composition based on what render layers and passes settings you are rendering. For example, if you have 4 render layers that are each rendering specular, diffuse and shadow passes this script will create a shake script that Adds the Specular pass with the Diffuse pass and then Multiplies this by the Shadow pass with the shadow alpha hold out, for every layer rendered. A great time saver and it even works with separately rendered fields.

0.6 Update: version 0.5 would not allow you to choose a shake script file name. 0.6 fixes this issue

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